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Dear Wai yee and Tze Kong;

Sad to know that TK is not well, but glad to know that he is in good caring hands. Regretfully that we are not able to be with you at this moment, but our mind is with you.

Sorry, we cannot write in chinese due to the insufficient function of the computer, but we can receive e-mail in both english and Chinese languages. Do not answer our e-mail if you do not find time or mood to do so.  We understand. We shall be informed of your well beings by our friends in HK.

We are all life fighters in different time, space and place. So look ahead do not look back. Be strong in mind. All the friends are joining hands with you physically or spiritually, fighting together. Blessings, prayers and love are undoubtedly speeding to your bedside. Please enjoy the lotus pictures taken by Bor and smell the fresh sweet air through the lotus waves. Take care and always have hope that when a door is closed another window will be opened for us.

love and blessings from Bor and Angela


Dear Charles, Amy, Bo Bo & Thomas,
FU and I thank all of u so much for keeping us so close and dear to your hearts. While FU has occupied most of your thoughts now, we should also remember TAI FU is still under the long shadow of cancer now, and he and his family need as much care and support from us as well. The cunning cancer cells, now I understand a little bit better, are wandering inside every one. Only when we keep ourselves bright and positive, cheer up always, do regular exercise (cos cancer hates oxygen), eat fresh food (cancer consumes glucose for growth, better eat less sweet things), sleep well and relax more (pressure can activate cancer), then we can combat the bad cells and boost our immune system.
Now let's all take very good care of ourselves in order that we can have the energy to care for our loved ones!
Sister 3 has called me and showed a lot of support. Thanks Bo Bo for relaying our news to her. It is a very difficult task but she managed to handle it properly. We will call Por Por in a few days.

Vivian : )


Aug 5


Dear Auntie,

Thank you for your e-mail.

First of all, let me say a "Big Thank You" for you which I wanted to let you know for a long time since April 2005 (when Mom told me Ah Fu has cancer). Thank you for taking good care of him.

To be honest, I am very upset and worry about Ah Fu, as you know, he is one of my important person of my life since I was young (since I could recognized his face). I am sure Ah Fu understands how I feel.

On one hand, I am confident that Ah Fu is a strong person and would try his best to flight with this illness. On the other hand, I have also prepared for the worst, even though I do not want to, but I have to ... No matter what will happy, Ah Fu is always in my heart.

One last thing I want to say here is that, please do not hide your feelings, everyone of us does feel how you feel.

Please also take good care of yourself, as we are also worry about you.

With Love,




Nov 18 received



Dear Ah Tai,

Last night I dreamed of you. In my dream, you and Yeungkong come back to RTHK,
and YCK is giving a talk, and you are very very happy bumping around because
you are pregnant(!!!), in a quite late stage, so your "stomach" is quite
big...don't scare, that 's not a nightmare, it's a happy one.

Received on Dec 11


dear sis,

i can't help having a heavy heart, but my friend toni sends me this to
share with you.

You are here: God >> Prayer Of Salvation

Prayer of Salvation - Our First Real Conversation With God
The "prayer of salvation" is the most important prayer we'll ever
pray. When we're ready to become a Christian, we're ready to have our
first real conversation with God, and these are its components:

We acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God; that He came to earth as a
man in order to live the sinless life that we cannot live; that He
died in our place, so that we would not have to pay the penalty we

We confess our past life of sin -- living for ourselves and not obeying God.
We admit we are ready to trust Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
We ask Jesus to come into our heart, take up residence there, and
begin living through us.



Nov 9


dear sis,

after lots of prayers last night. i got up this morning suddenly
remember a few things.

first, a message from kristina & maurice a few weeks ago.  please read below.


沛,再次充份享受人生。」(泰國 L.Smithapindhu 女士,61歲)

C.C.Innocente 女士,78歲)

K.Bless 女士)





whenever you feel  desperate, try calling mr. leung for some advice.
like the glyconutrient, the tea, the enzyme and may be one more thing
needs to be taken in large dosage. he once told me : '  
sounds too commercial, but it is how they got well from extreme

you've also haven't tried organic coffee enema yet!  options are out
there, right?


Aug 21



Dear Yeung Kong and Wai Yee,

You too have been in my thought these days on and off when I learned about your situation from Edith. I have been trying to think of something I could say that would help you through this very difficult period, but what only could come up to my mind is Do Talk Care.

Though we know each other for years but we did not have much chance to come together. I still remember you always work overnight on Legco Today on
Wednesday. You look tired in the next day but you manage to finish the program on time. Your endeavor to make good program always impressed me. You introduced Chan Loi Che to me and let me earn a few hundred bucks a week. Loi Che has left the Station and become a full time sculptor. You have joined Cable afterwards and I recall that we have meet in the press center on the Election Day. I told you that the animation used in your election program was the best among all TV station.

Seems all these good old days were just yesterday.

Though your bad news did come to me quite some time but I still uneasy to
accept. It must be difficult to go through this and we are here with you. I
have no religion but my wife Pionie said that you two would be in her prayer.

Every good wishes to you two.

Yiu wah, Pionie


Received on Nov 30


我工作時間很長,一來是我自己做得慢,二來時近年尾,... 但最近總算上了手,忙完十二月應該會"正常"一點...哈哈,我而家跟peral report, 監製是diana lin,相信你們也知道她是何許人也。而今天就因為記者未剪起片,所以比較清閒一點,可跟你們通通訊 :-) 而我個nose最近都算聽話,1)可能是天氣轉涼了,不用出入冷氣間時的大溫差 2) 可能是我食緊"三寶靈",是丸不是茶,令我身體好了點點...


近日肥仔戚来电,告之兄台遭受顽疾侵犯,小弟心中实在焦急,也为 贤兄所受的煎熬感到难受。原想亲到广州探望 贤兄,可由于杂务缠身,得八月底才能动身,故特先修书问候,并请 贤兄原宏。
最让我怀念的一次采访,是有一架私人飞机在香港启德机场降落,据说载着当年要逃亡的菲律宾总统马可斯的夫人,当时我们出动了四队摄影队,分头包抄,虽然最后发现那不是一个什么重要人物,但那种干劲和合作,是我觉得最宝贵的。新闻播出时,配音的是丘喜耀,字幕打上‘采访:冯德雄、丘喜耀、凌伟文’,那才真的叫爽。(片段的背景声道,还带着包云龙在对讲机指挥的声音:肥仔凌Over! 肥仔凌Over!)
作为朋友,看着 贤兄遭罪,我们可以很轻松的说,‘兄弟,坚强一点,困难总能熬过去的。’可是,我们都明白,正如英文谚语 It’s easier said than done,对于 贤兄来说,又岂有那么容易?
话虽如此,我们还是得跟您说,兄弟,坚强一点,顶住,我们会支持你的。希望这些精神上的支持,能让 贤兄在与病魔恶斗的时候,减轻一点痛苦,多一点安慰。
人生在世,本来漂泊,本多无奈。可在万般不由人之下,我们还是得争取、坚持、奋斗,才不枉此生。成功了,我们庆幸走运,失败了,我们无怨无悔。这是小弟这几年经过艰苦的历练而学会的,也是小弟的座右铭,愿与 贤兄互勉。
生命的价值,不在永恒,而在活得有意义。以 贤兄的聪明睿智,自然比我了解的更透彻。打出生的那一天开始,我们谁都不能知道、也不能控制生命何时终结。我们的权利,在于积极度过上天赋予我们的每一天。

Dear Wai yee and Black Sheep,
"May angels watch over you two and touch your spirit with gentle healing,
"May each day bring peace and rest,
"And may you two always know you hold a special place in so many hearts that care deeply and wish you well!"
Especially in Christmas time and at New Year, my dearest wishes to you two!!
(P.S. I am on VL till 31/12, when will it be convenient to see you two?)


您好,我是何志佳,聞悉楊江兄患上頑疾,事感突然,心感擔憂及不安;原打算與 張連德兄月中往廣州醫院探訪,但知道楊江兄正接受治療,身體虛弱,不便與外界 接觸,惟拜託嫂閣下,代為向楊江兄問候。
CABLE早晨」部分同事也知道楊江兄正與癌魔摶鬥,各人自知力量有限,未能予 以實質幫助,但各人均全力支持楊江兄,只要有信心,必定可戰勝這場硬仗,衷心祝願楊江兄早日康復,再與我們食宵夜、歎早茶。


Received Dec 15


Dear Yeung Chai and Wai Yee,

Thank you so much for returning my mail during such difficult hours. I would not want to take up too much of your time when you should really attend to the needs and welfare of Yeung Chai. Please just let Yeung Chai know I miss you both, him in particular.

I'll pray for him, and I guess the Almighty up there would answer to anyone's prayer even if he/she is not religious.

Please, Wai Yee, take good care of yourself at the same time while you take care of Yeung Chai.

Wish the best of luck to both of you.


-----Original Message-----
From: YCK [mailto:
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:30 AM
To: Pao, Wan Lung
Subject: Weak

Dear Pao,
He's very weak now. Doc said he can't make it thru this month. My mom has come to help us since last Thur.
Pls take gd care! Wish u all the best! Don't work too hard!
Wai Yee

Dec 1


I agree that during the past years, no matter what happened around the families, somehow we are too harsh sometimes to our mom and other members, and forgot how much we do need to be assured about the care and love we have for one another.  Perhaps we are too straight or too conservative in showing our feelings.  Or perhaps we are so shy and calculative at times.
As we are found by God now, let's keep our faith and seek to know Him and his blessings.
Would like to share with you the following, it is a short message for daily meditation on the wisdom of God:





Nov 28



I am so glad to hear about jef's details.  You know, he is kind of playing the major role in our families concern now!  I feel so shameful and jealous to know that you all got in prayer together!  Somehow I remember I was too afraid to talk and share about God's grace in the past with you guys.  But now, I realize how awesome He is in bringing us toward Him.  I pray that He reveals Himself to us of His mighty ways and let us appreciate life and love we share.
Eager to hear more from you. Share with you a verse from the bible and a prayer hoping jef and you can rest and rejuvenate:




Received Dec 9



Dear KouMo:
Hello Kou Mo, this is mo mo sak lo . There are many things I wanted to talk with you guys when the last time we met, but you know I am not a very good communicator. 
It was great to be with you two again, to see AhFu simile and make fun of himself again :P.
But also, I know you and AhFu are both very tired, physically and mentally, worry about PorPor and many other things.
As a christian, I believe there is a God, and he do love us, and has a plan for our life. I believe I am here on this earth not by a mistake nor by chance, I am here for a purpose. Gdo wanted us to know him, and because of our sins, is stopping us from knowing him, this is why Jesus has to died for us on the cross to pay for our sins , so that we can be reunited with God.
We cannot control how long we are going to live, we dont know whetherthere is anything going to will happen to us or not, but we can make a decision whether to accept Jesus in our life, to ask him to take control of our disordered life.
I really hope you and Ar Fu would know God , thats what I am praying for.
Mo Mo Sak Lo


阿太按: 這是楊江收到的最後一封電郵,是吳庭介在一月一日來,我在他臨去前約四小時諗給他聽.


Dear CK & Vivian,
今天精神怎樣? 你要繼續努力作戰,只要站起來的次數比倒下去的次數多一次,你便能成功打勝仗! 今天早上醒來看見窗外下著毛毛細雨,使我想起小時候聽過的一個故事。跟你分享一下。
小河流從來不知道有這樣的事情,小河流這麼問 :「那我還是原來的河流嗎?」
C K希望藉著神的幫助,讓你轉化成小雨點,越過沙漠,流向生命的大海。送一段聖經的經文給你 :詩篇第一百二十一篇。
P.S.  Happy New Year!!!



Received on Dec 23


Dear CK,
CK, 請不要氣妥,不要害怕孤單,因為你背後有神的帶領,有Vivian 的看顧,有一班關心你的好友默默的支持。我會繼續為你禱告。
 「親愛的天父,祈求祢醫治的能力彰顯在 CK 身上,求祢使 CK 能進食、能吸收營養;使他的身體得以重建。 求祢使 CK 能安然入睡,在祢的保守下睡得安穩;使他的體力可以恢復,並重新得著能力,如鷹展翅上騰。當疾病的疼痛抓著他時,求主大能的手使痛楚離開他,當 CK 孤單難奈、焦慮不安之際,祈求憐憫人的天父,將出人意外的平安,保守他的心懷意念。若 CK 他心中忐忑不安,風浪大作,求主祢平靜風浪的大能臨到他身上 ,平靜他心中的風和浪,並與祢同在,和祢一起渡過艱難的時刻,走出這死蔭的幽谷。以上的禱告,是奉主耶穌的名而祈求         阿門」
P.S. 前兩天我在一本書上讀到一首詩,很想與你和 Vivian 一起分享 ,並願聖誕節的來臨,給你們帶來平安及安慰:
That trauma you faced was not easy,
   and God wept that it hurt you so;
   but it was allowed to shape your heart
   so that into his likeness you'd grow.”
                                  By Rusell Kelfer



received on Dec 19


Dear CK & Vivian,
I have been gone through a very busy and excited week in dealing with the WTO related protests.  How are you lately? Are you getting better? Take care and be careful not to catch a cold. It is very important that you don"t get any complication during this critical moment.
The other day I had come across an article and I immediately thinking about you. Just to share with you and shows a little bit of support.




P.S. Vivian you have to take care of yourself too. I know it is very hard to be a patient's wife.  Specially he is the one you love most.



Received on Dec 8


Dear CK & Vivian,
CK, 你要堅强一些,不要讓痛楚及病魔把你的意志磨滅。我和 Dawn 會繼續為你禱告,求神背負你走過這段艱辛的路。神說:我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。( 林後 12:9 )
上次我和 Dawn 在紐西蘭旅行時,在Lake Takapo 住了數天,當時正值深秋,看到漫山遍野的紅葉,實在令人驚嘆大自然的美麗。想深一層,這些綠油油的楓葉到了秋天便由綠轉黃,繼而血紅,最後還是要凋落,但卻仍是那麽美麗熣燦,它們的目的只一個;就是讓樹的生命能延續下去,熬過寒冬。感覺就好像它們向四周發出火紅的吶喊,讓它們繼續活下去。
CK 雖然你的部份身體細胞出了問題,要凋謝了,要反叛你的身體,但我希望你能保持堅强的意志,渡過生命中的寒冬。
我最近這兩星期,工作上忙得不可開交,都是為下星期的世貿部長級會議做準備,加上泛民主派在政改爭論上的大遊行,每天放工回家,都好像剛從戰場上回來一樣。好了,今天晚上我值夜班,過兩天再跟你閒談 !


received on Dec 6


Dear CK,
Dear Father, I ask you to bless my friend reading this right now.
I am pleading You to minister to his spirit at this very moment.
Where there is pain, give him Your peace and mercy.
Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I ask You to give him understanding, guidance, and strength to face his sickness.
Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to him Your courage. Where there is spiritual stagnation, I beg You to renew him by revealing Your nearness, and by drawing him into greater intimacy with You.
Please also bless Vivian, give her vision and strength to counter her hardship and to take care CK.
I am praying You to do these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
CK don't bother to write back to me. Just take care and rest more!! I will keep praying for you and write to you when I have time.
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